5 things to remember when starting your proactiv routine

Congrats on starting your journey to clear, healthy-looking skin!

You’ve chosen the right proactiv® acne treatment system for your skin but you may still have questions such as, "Does this 3-step acne treatment system replace all my skincare?", "Should I expect side-effects?" or "When will I see results?".

Your questions are completely normal and we’ll be here for you on every step of your journey to help you stay informed and on track. No questions yet? That’s okay too!

Here are 5 things to keep in mind as you get started with your proactiv acne treatment system.

  • 1.) Keep your routine simple.

    Our Combination Therapy® acne-treatment systems really are as easy as 1-2-3. In fact, there’s no need to add any other skincare to your routine except for sunscreen. Adding additional active acne-fighting ingredients or exfoliation methods can actually irritate the skin.

  • 2.) Stick with it.

    It takes your skin 28 days to regenerate itself, so be patient and let the system do its job. You may break out more at first as your skin purges the deeper layers of "gunk" that rise to the surface.

    But as the weeks go on, you may notice your pores will be less clogged, your blemishes will start to heal and your skin will start to clear up.

    If your skin feels irritated when starting out, build up slowly to using the products twice daily. And, once your skin clears up, keep using the products to maintain your results.

  • 3.) Maintain hygienic lifestyle habits that won’t contribute to acne formation.

    • • Wash and change your pillowcases weekly, or even bi-weekly.

      • Wash your face after working out or sweating.

      • Always remove your makeup and wear noncomedogenic makeup.

      • Try to destress and eat a healthy diet.

  • 4.) We’re here to help.

    You’re not alone. Our team of proactiv skin experts are available to answer your questions and help keep you on track. Plus, when you subscribe, you pay as little as $1 per day (excluding S&H) for your whole acne-treatment system.

  • 5.) Celebrate your progress.

    Sometimes celebrating victories helps us keep going – but your results may be the only motivation you need to keep going. Woohoo – go you! You may want to take a before picture for yourself and follow up with progress photos every month. Or, you may want to treat yourself to something you’ve been eyeing to celebrate your success!